Before & After School Programs

Extend the day with ELA!

Eramosa Learning Academy offers emergent curriculum programming for children from junior kindergarten to grade 6. Since 2003, before and after school programs have offered a high-quality and reliable child care experience for families.

Each day, children have access to hands-on activities, outdoor play time, a quiet area to read or do homework, and the caring support of educators.

What is emergent curriculum?

Emergent curriculum programming is student-led, inquiry-based planning. There are no pre-set lesson plans or single-outcome activities. With visual access to many resources and staff observing the interest and needs of the student, activities emerge from collaboration between child and educator. 

Please note: transportation to and from our before and after school programs is not provided by ELA.

Operating Days

Eramosa Learning Academy offers licensed before and after school child care on all Wellington Catholic District School Board instructional days.

All-day programs are not available when schools are closed due to inclement weather.

Hours of Operation

Before school: 7:00 am – 8:45 am

After school: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

School Breaks

PD Day programming is offered at two before and after school locations, St. John and St. Paul.

School break camps are offered during March Break, Summer Break and Winter Break at alternate locations. For more information about camps click here. No programs are offered on Statutory Holidays.